صلح الامام الحسن عليه السلام

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صلح الامام الحسن عليه السلام
اعداد: د. السيد حسين البدري

1. صُلح الحَسن (ع) مع معاوية:
نظير صلح النبي (ص) مع قريش في الخلفيات والأهداف والنتائج.
وكان فتحاً مبيناً كما كان صلح النبي (ص) فتحاً مبينا.

2. روى الشيخ الصدوق  عن أبي سعيد عقيصا قال: «قلت للحسن بن علي ابن أبي طالب (ع): يا ابن رسول الله لم داهنت معاوية وصالحته؟ قال: يا أبا سعيد علة مصالحتي لمعاوية علة مصالحة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لبني ضمرة وبني أشجع، ولأهل مكة حين انصرف من الحديبية، أولئك كفار بالتنزيل ومعاوية وأصحابه كفار بالتأويل»

3. كانت عِلّة صُلح النَّبي (ع) مع قريش هو أنَّ الحَرب العسكريّة لم تَعُدْ تَحسِمُ الموقف، لان قريشاً خاضَت حرباً إعلامية من اجل إقناع قبائل الجزيرة وأحلافهم؛ أنها على الحق ومحمدا (ص) على الباطل. وأن محمداً لم يعد يُعظم البيت الحرام ويقطع طريق زواره وهدفه تخريب الحج والسنن الإبراهيمية. والذي ساعد في نجاح إعلام قريش الكاذب؛ أجواء الحرب المشحونة التي تمنع الناس من الانفتاح على رسالة النبي (ص)، ففرض النبي (ص) الصلح على قريش من اجل إيجاد الفضاء المناسب لانتشار رسالته الإلهية.

4. ﴿إِنَّا فَتَحْنا لَكَ فَتْحاً مُبِيناً﴾ لقد سَمّى القُرآن الكريم صُلحَ النَّبيِّ (ص) بالفَتح المبين، لأنَّ هذا الصُّلح فَضح قُريشاً عند أحلافِها وكَشف عن كذبها، وفتح القُلوب لمحمد (ص) وكَشف عن صِدقه وانه (ص) يُعظّم البيت الحَرام بما لم يُعظِّمه أحدٌ مِثله إذ جاء بأصحابه والهَديُ معهم ثم مَنعتهم قُريشٌ وذبحوا الهَدي خارج الحَرم. وتّبيَّن للناس ان قريشاً هي التي تَصدُّ عن البيت الحَرام. وكان انتشار رسالة النبي (ص) في الجَزيرة العربيَّة وانفتاح النّاس عليها وفضح إعلام قريش أهم نتائج الصُّلح.

5. وكانت عِلَّةُ صُلحِ الحَسن(ع) مع معاوية؛ هو أن معاوية استطاع تَعبئة أهل الشّام لمحاربة علي (ع) وشيعته، وإقناعهم بان علياً مفسدٌ في دين محمد (ص) يجب محاربته، ووسيلة معاوية؛ الإعلام الكاذِب بافتعال أحاديث تشوِّه صورة علي (ع) على لسان النبي (ص)، لذا أصبحت الحرب العسكريّة لم تَعُدْ تَحسِمُ الموقف. والذي ساعد في نجاح مَكر معاوية؛ أجواءُ الحرب المشحونة التي تمنع أهل الشّام من الانفتاح على مشروع علي (ع) الإحيائي للسُنَّة النبوية. فجاء صُلح الإمام الحسن (ع) ليضع حَدّاً أمام مَكرِ مُعاوية وإعلامه الكاذب.

6. أهداف الإمام الحَسن(ع)في صلحه :
أولا: تَوفير الأجواء المناسبة لانفتاح أهل الشّام على الحقيقة ليعرفوا معاوية على حقيقته مفسداً في الدِّين ويعرفوا علياً هادياً إلى دين الله بأمر الله ورسوله (ص).
ثانيا: انتشار أحاديث النَّبي (ص) في أهل بيته لمسلمة الفُتوح في الجانب الغربي.
ثالثا: انتشار سِيرة الإمام علي (ع) العادلة والمجسِّدة للكتاب والسُّنة عند أهل الشّام.  إنقاذ الدَّولة الإسلامية من الانقسام وتوحيدها على الحُكم بكتاب الله وسُنَّة النَّبي (ص) دون اجتهادات الخليفتين. وتَجنيب المسلمين المزيد من الدِّماء، ودَفع خطر الروم.

7. وكانت نتائج صُلحِ الحَسن(ع):
أولا: انتشار ثَقافة الولاء والمودَّة لأهل البيت (ع) التي أسَّسها الكتاب الكريم وأحاديث النبي (ص) في مُسلمة الفتوح شرقاً وغرباً، أخذ بها من شاء وتركها من شاء.
ثانيا: إنقاذ أمة النَّبي (ص) من الانشقاق الذي خطَّط له معاوية .
ثالثا: افتضاح معاوية بن أبي سفيان عند أهل الشّام وانه كان كاذباً في إعلامه ضدَّ علي (ع).

8. وهكذا صار صُلح الامام الحَسن (ع) نظير صُلح جَدّه النَّبي (ص) المسمى بصُلح الحُديبية، في الخلفيّات وهو إعلام قريش الكاذب، والأهداف وهو الهداية إلى الرِّسالة الخاتمة، والنَّتائج وهو فضح الإعلام الكاذب وفتح الطَّريق إلى الرِّسالة الخاتمة وحَملتها أهل البيت (ع).

يُراجع تفصيل البحث الجديد حول صلح الإمام الحسن (ع) في كتاب «قِراءة جَديدة في صُلح الإمام الحَسن (ع)» للعلامة المحقق السيد سامي البدري؛ على الرابط: https://fajrashura.com/abb/1799

The photo post is in English

The PDF post is in English

Imam Hassan’s Peace Treaty with Muawiya

Sayyid Sami Al Badri, the well-versed scholar and researcher

Edited by: Dr. Sayyid Hussein Al Badri

1. Imam Hassan’s peace treaty with Muawiya shares the Holy Prophet’s peace treaty with the polytheists of Quraysh in backgrounds, goals and outcomes.

Just as the Holy Prophet’s peace treaty with the polytheists of Quraysh was a clear victory, so also was Imam Hassan’s peace treaty with Muawiya a clear victory.

2. Sheikh al-Saduq quoted Abu-Saeed Aqeesa to have said: I once asked [Imam] Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi-Talib, “O son of God’s Apostle! Why have you conceded to Muawiya and accepted to enter into peace treaty with him?”

In reply, the Imam justified, “O Abu-Saeed! I entered into peace treaty with Muawiya for the same reason God’s Apostle (God’s blessings be upon him and his Family) had entered into peace treaty with the Banu-Dhamarah people, the Banu-Ashjaʿ people, and the polytheists of Mecca upon leaving al-Hudaybiya. Those were disbelievers in the Divine Revelations, and Muawiya and his fellows are disbelievers in the interpretation of the Divine Revelations.”

3. The Holy Prophet entered into a peace treaty with the polytheists of Quraysh because military conflicts were no longer resolving the disputes.

The Quraysh had already launched a media campaign against Muslims, attempting to sway the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and their allies to join them. They spread rumors that they were right while Muhammad (the Holy Prophet) was wrong. Additionally, they falsely claimed that Muhammad violated the sanctity of the Holy House of God and hindered pilgrims from reaching it, disrupting the traditional pilgrimage to Mecca and the Abrahamic rituals.

Regrettably, the deceptive propaganda spread by the polytheists of Quraysh proved effective due to several factors, including the intense wartime conditions that hindered people from accepting the Divine mission of the Holy Prophet.

For this reason, the Holy Prophet endorsed entering into peace treaty with the polytheists of Quraysh in order to create an atmosphere suitable enough for activating his Divine mission and promulgating for Islam.

4. The Holy Quran reads: “Verily, We have granted you a manifest victory. [48:1]”

The Holy Quran describes the Holy Prophet’s truce with the polytheists of Quraysh as manifest victory. This truce exposed the reality of the people of Quraysh before their allies and unmasked their dishonesty. On the other hand, it opened people’s hearts wide to receive warmly the Holy Prophet and his promulgation for Islam, proving his truthfulness and gainsaying his foes’ misinformation. Hence, people understood that the Holy Prophet held in the highest, regard the Holy House of God. He, leading his companions, had come on pilgrimage to the House of God but the people of Quraysh prevented them from entering Mecca. So, they had to offer their sacrificial animals outside the Holy Precinct.

In conclusion, the most important of the advantages of the Holy Prophet’s truce with the polytheists of Quraysh were as follows:

a) The Holy Prophet’s mission spread so widely in the Arabian Peninsula.

b) People were all ears to listen to the message of Islam.

c) The propaganda of the Quraysh was proven false.

5. One of the reasons for Imam Hassan’s having entered into peace treaty with Muawiya was that the latter could mobilize the people of Levante for fighting Imam Ali and his partisans. He could deceive them and implant in their mentalities that Imam Ali was a corrupt man. So, the religion of Muhammad imposed that war should be waged against Ali.

In this campaign, Muawiya used misinformation so actively. He forged lies against the Holy Prophet, ascribing to him, yet falsely, sayings in dispraise of Imam Ali.

Since then, military combats became of no avail.

Amidst intense warfare between the opposing camps, Muawiya devised his conspiracy. The volatile conditions in Levante hindered any chance for the people to engage with Imam Ali’s efforts to revive the Prophetic traditions. It was then that Imam Hasan’s peace treaty emerged, aiming to thwart Muawiya’s deceitful tactics and misinformation.

6. Imam Hassan’s Goals in the Peace Treaty:

ONE: Imam Hassan sought to create an environment conducive to the people of Levante, enabling them to be receptive to and accepting of the concealed truths. Through this, they would recognize Muawiya’s true character as a corrupt individual who deviated from the tenets of the religion. Conversely, Imam Ali stood as the genuine representative and guide to God’s religion, acting upon the command of God Almighty and His Apostle.

TWO: Imam Hasan’s peace treaty with Muawiya facilitated the transmission of the Holy Prophet’s teachings regarding the religious and political leadership of his family members to the newly converted Muslims in the western regions.

THREE: Imam Ali’s unmatched justice, which represented the Holy Quran’s teachings and the Holy Prophet’s traditions, could finally be introduced in its genuine picture to the people of Levant.

Four: The Islamic State could be spared division. Muslims could be gathered on the judgments inferred from the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet’s traditions aside from the personal suppositions of the first two caliphs.

FIVE: Muslims were spared more bloodshed, and the threats of the Romans were repelled.

7. Outcomes of Imam Hasan’s Peace Treaty:

ONE: The culture of loyalty to and affection love for the Holy Prophet’s Family (i.e., the Ahl al-Bayt) was noticeably circulated among the newly converted Muslims who joined Islam after the Muslim conquests in the east and west of the earth. This culture, which had basically been established by the Glorious Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet, was introduced by those fresh Muslims, some of whom embraced it while others remained indifferent.

TWO: The Holy Prophet’s nation was saved from division, for which Muawiya had already planned.

THREE: The true vicious character of Muawiya ibn Abi-Sufyan was exposed to the people of Levante, who discovered that he was completely untruthful in whatever he misinformed about Imam Ali.

8. In this way, Imam Hassan’s peace treaty with Muawiya

resembled the peace treaty of his grandfather the Holy Prophet with the polytheists of Quraysh, historically known as Treaty of al-Hudaybiya.

With regard to backgrounds, both the Quraysh and Muawiya ran false propagandas and rumored misinformation about the other party.

With regard to goals, both the Holy Prophet’s peace treaty and Imam Hasan’s peace treaty aimed to guide people to the sealing Divine Mission.

With regard to outcomes, both the treaties disclosed the misinformation of the adversaries and opened the way wide to accepting the final Divine mission and its bearers; namely the Holy Prophet and his immaculate family members (the Ahl al-Bayt).

Details of this new study of Imam Hassan’s peace treaty can be kindly referred to in the book Qira’atun fi Sulh al-Imam al-Hassan (A New Perusal of Imam Hassan’s Peace Treaty) by His Eminence the well-versed scholar Sayyid Sami al-Badri: https://fajrashura.com/abb/1799

Translated into English by

Badr Shahin

عدد الزوار: 331

معلومات الاصدار

عنوان الاصدار:صلح الامام الحسن عليه السلام
عدد الصفحات:10
تاليف/إعداد:د. السيد حسين البدري
سنة النشر:2024
الناشر: مركز فجر عاشوراء الثقافي
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